Each lesson features:

Large Group: The opening celebration for Grades 1–6 combined features the welcome, presentation of all videos for the lesson, introduction of the SuperTruth (lesson theme) and SuperVerse (Bible verse), and prayer. Large Group lasts about 30 minutes.

Small Group: Children may divide into classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. (If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.) Here, children explore the lesson through creative games, object lessons, crafts, Discipleship Challenges (encouraging children to put God’s Word into practice), group activities to learn Bible verses, and guided prayer time. No videos are shown during Small Group time. Each Small Group Leader Guide includes material for about 30 minutes of class time.

Additional Activities: If you have additional class time or wish to change any parts of the main lesson for Small Group, you may choose from alternative options in the Additional Activities Leader Guide. These options include extra games, object lessons, crafts, and Bible studies that together can take up to an additional 30 minutes of class time.


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